Information, advice and guidance for young people (11-19)
For over 25 years C+K has provided young people with the information, advice and guidance needed to maximise their career journey and ensure they reach a positive destination. All our IAG services are aligned against Gatsby Benchmarks and current Ofsted requirements.
For more information on how we can deliver personalised careers services in your school or college please contact Joel Robinson, Business Development Manager on 01484 242200 or email
Professional, impartial careers advice and guidance throughout the careers journey
At C+K we believe that the ‘journey’ is just as important as the ‘destination’. Throughout their ‘career journey’ with us, every young person will be equipped with a range of career management skills that will enable them to make informed choices.
This journey starts in Year 7 when we start to initiate in-school careers conversations that widen their careers knowledge and help raise their aspirations. In Years 8 and 9 we build towards supporting pupil choices for subject options and aiding their ability to make informed decisions. These early secondary school years can be important, particularly in identifying those students who are at risk of becoming NEET. Our professional careers advisers are trained to identify potential barriers and utilise their own skills and networks to address and help overcome them.
In Years 10 and 11, we provide more dedicated careers advice supporting them to make aspirational and informed choices that are best for them. All our advice is impartial and we don’t favour any route or institution over any other.
C+K Core IAG services include:
- working with students from Year 7 to Year 13 as needed
- face to face interviews and group sessions
- impartial information, advice and guidance on all post-16 options
- presentations/talks at assemblies, option evenings and parents evenings
- organising mock interviews, careers fairs, guest speakers, employer visits, enterprise sessions, industry days and progression events
- programme of support targeted at students identified at risk of NEET, or at risk of not making a successful post-16 transition
- in-school support on GCSE/A level results days
- support for schools in their broader careers education activities.
- facilitate school-based events and manage large-scale careers events
- advocacy on behalf of young people as needed
For more information on how we can deliver personalised careers services in your school or college please contact Joel Robinson, Professional Services Manager on 01484 242000 or email us using the details below.