Our team of careers experts
We have a team over 60 specialist career advisers who are Level 6 IAG qualified or training towards it. As our first point of contact, they develop relationships with young people and adults, build rapport and provide support when needed at all stages of the careers journey. This enables them to provide a demonstrable impact on people’s lives.
Our career advisers are accredited professionals, supported with CPD and annually appraised and assessed by experienced C+K managers. This means that they are not just able to provide information and advice, but they are able to provide personalised guidance that makes a significant difference to people’s lives.
C+K careers advisers in schools and colleges
The support of a C+K career adviser will not just benefit pupils, it will add value to the whole school. Every adviser is able to establish relationships in school, adapt their delivery to the institution and its student’s specific needs and requirements. They link with Careers Leaders and the Senior Management Team to provide insight and understanding to leadership issues (including Ofsted and Gatsby Benchmarks) and provide wider support around employability and personal life skill development.
In addition, they are a fantastic resource for accessing local employers, brokering relationships with third party organisations and their friendly, approachable nature means they are an extra resource for a vulnerable young person to open up to.
C+K careers advisers working with NEET young people
Our Participation Advisers offer a targeted careers information, advice and guidance service for young people who are not in employment, education or training (NEET). They understand the issues and barriers facing young people who may be finding it difficult to move into sustainable learning or employment and are able to build strong levels of trust and links to support them to progress. They also have established networks with services and stakeholders to establish a well rounded vision of support and opportunities available to young people in their areas.
C+K careers advisers working with adults
Our C+K careers advisers have a wealth of experience in working with adults, the support they are able to offer helps to build confidence and make a difference to their lives. Used to creating links and networking with different services, they are able to not only offer IAG but also refer on to suitable courses and employment programmes where needed.
Our team
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Martin Green - Chief Executive Martin is the Chief Executive at C+K Careers –a position he feels proud and honoured to have. Martin has worked in West Yorkshire for 30 years, having first trained as a teacher. He lives in Leeds, grew up in Burnley and believes the North of England is the greatest place on Earth. Martin has vast experience of the employment, skills and careers world and has an extensive background in local and regional skills policy and programmes. He is passionate about equity, diversity and inclusion and believes everybody has the right to get the support that will help them achieve their aspirations. |
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Louise Nellist - Head of Delivery Services Louise joined C+K Careers as a trainee Careers Adviser many years ago and has seen much change to the careers industry in this time. What has remained constant, and what she is most proud of, is the skill of our careers advisers in facilitating powerful shifts in mindset, confidence and self-awareness. Our teams help people work through fear, confusion and limiting self-beliefs to better understand their potential. Louise leads teams that work with a network of partners to influence and shape provision and services and ensure all young people across Calderdale and Kirklees have access to the careers guidance and ongoing support needed to thrive, achieve and progress. |
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Richard Jones - Head of Corporate Services Richard has responsibility for the internal functions and governance of C+K. Richard began his career in construction and media; his background is finance and he is a Chartered Management Accountant. Richard grew up in Huddersfield and, like Martin, believes the North of England is the greatest place on Earth. Richard is passionate about value for money and is always looking at ways to improve efficiencies and eliminate waste. He stands by his three rule mantra; if it doesn’t generate income, it doesn’t benefit the client, and it’s not a legal requirement –it’s not worth doing. |