This directory of job and apprenticeship vacancies is primarily aimed at students leaving level 3 courses in 2025. Most vacancies are for higher and degree apprenticeships, but in some sectors there is also information about jobs and lower level apprenticeship vacancies. The directory also provides details of employers who may not be advertising vacancies currently, but have done so in the recent past.
Vacancies cover 17 different sectors, from agriculture, horticulture and animal care through to transport and storage. It includes sectors such as construction, digital, and engineering and manufacturing, which have a lot of opportunities. There is also information about the number of apprenticeship vacancies there has been in each sector over the last year, along with other job search tips.
The vacancy directory supports schools and colleges in meeting Gatsby Benchmarks 1, 2 and 3.
Published: December 2024
These sample pages below, show the layout of each section of the directory. The introduction to each section contains the latest statistics about apprenticeship starts in the sector at different levels (where available), before opportunities are listed alphabetically by the name of each employer. Under each employer there is a live link to the vacancy or vacancy information page.

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