How young people will use the site
The first time a young person logs in to the site, they will be asked to complete a simple assessment about their career readiness. This information can be used by a careers adviser to identify those who might need extra support. Users are then asked to choose from 21 subjects, 5 routes and 19 sectors that interest them. A brief explanation about each option, ensures young people understand their choices before making their selection. MyDirections generates content associated with the user’s preferences and recommends other articles that may be of interest. Young people can alter their choices at any time - and also select if they are ‘undecided’.
Site content
As well as providing factual information, MyDirections also encourages young people to think about careers they may not have thought of, by linking the subjects they have selected to a wide range of careers and courses. Useful websites related to the sectors and subjects they have chosen, enables users to undertake further detailed research should they want to.
In addition to tailored content, MyDirections also includes articles about general topics - for example, using labour market information, choosing qualifications and attending a careers event. A CV builder is available to all users and job search articles cover everything from where to look for vacancies, through to starting your first job or apprenticeship. Information about how a young person can contact their careers adviser is prominent on every page.

Setting up your account and logging in
After you have completed your order, the team will be in contact to set up your account and provide you with your log in details.
If you have any other questions, just get in touch